Project | Description | Link |
1. POCs of CVEs in InterIIT Tech Meet’21 | Made detailed POCs of Different CVEs given in the problem statement of InterIIT Tech Meet Security Hackathon. | |
2. SiteCrawler | This Python based project scans the provided url, finds various things such as IP address, robots.txt, does a nmap scan, looks for DNS records of the website and stores the result in a separate directory. | |
3. Secure Communication Device — Touchscreen Raspberry Pi Based | Secure Device which can be used to send Messages/Files based on OMEMO protocol and TOR services. Used isolated hardware to encrypt and store cryptographic keys separately. Also setup own server for communication and fingerprint sensor for authentication. | - |
4. Voice Controlled Bot | A Voice controlled in which voice command is given to the phone communicated via Bluetooth module to the bot. The bot contains Ultrasonic sensors (HC-SR04), which works as an obstacle detector and stops the bot when finding any obstacle or wall within range of 6cm, and the piezo buzzer starts playing a friendly tone . | |