
Project Description Link
1. POCs of CVEs in InterIIT Tech Meet’21 Made detailed POCs of Different CVEs given in the problem statement of InterIIT Tech Meet Security Hackathon.
2. SiteCrawler This Python based project scans the provided url, finds various things such as IP address, robots.txt, does a nmap scan, looks for DNS records of the website and stores the result in a separate directory.
3. Secure Communication Device — Touchscreen Raspberry Pi Based Secure Device which can be used to send Messages/Files based on OMEMO protocol and TOR services. Used isolated hardware to encrypt and store cryptographic keys separately. Also setup own server for communication and fingerprint sensor for authentication. -
4. Voice Controlled Bot A Voice controlled in which voice command is given to the phone communicated via Bluetooth module to the bot. The bot contains Ultrasonic sensors (HC-SR04), which works as an obstacle detector and stops the bot when finding any obstacle or wall within range of 6cm, and the piezo buzzer starts playing a friendly tone .