These are some of my awesome CTF Writeups, notes, scripts, Room Walkthrough that can be useful..
These are some of my awesome CTF Writeups, notes, scripts, Room Walkthrough that can be useful..
In this blog I explained how I prepared for my Exam and some of the resources that helped me pass the Exam
Vulnerability analysis and PoC for the Apache Tomcat - CGIServlet enableCmdLineArguments | Remote Code Execution (RCE)
Writeups of all levels in A4 - Insecure Direct Object References Catagory such as Solutions of Insecure DOR (Change Secret), Insecure DOR (Reset Secret), Insecure DOR (Order Tickets).
Writeups of all levels in A1-Injection Catagory such as HTML Injection - Reflected GET, POST, OS Command Injection, SQL Injection and XML Injections [PART I]
Walkthrough of Overpass room - Tryhackme
HSCTF 2020 writeups for web catagory.
Sharky CTF writeups, solution, code snippets, notes, scripts.
Dawg CTF 2020 writeups, solution, code snippets, notes, scripts.
VirSecCon CTF 2020 writeups, solution, code snippets, notes, scripts for beginners Web..
CTFlearn (Capture The Flag) writeups, solutions, code snippets, notes, scripts for beginners cryptography-easy..
CTFlearn (Capture The Flag) writeups,solutions, code snippets, notes, scripts for beginners web(easy)..